
俄國入侵後約一週,烏克蘭政府向 ICANN 正式提出要求對俄羅斯實施制裁,停止俄國頂級域名 .ru、.рф及.su解析,並要求關閉位於俄國的DNS根伺服器,信中還提到將要求歐洲IP位址管理機構 RIPE NCC 取消其核發給俄國所有IPv4與IPv6位址的使用權。

對此,RIPE NCC已回應將持續以中立的立場提供具權威性資料服務避免受到偏見或政治影響;ICANN執行長也正式回覆不會為烏克蘭刪除俄羅斯頂級國碼網域名稱請求,但會保障烏克蘭公民不會因域名到期而無法繼續使用。


有人質疑,ICANN是受美國加州法律規範的私人公司,RIPE NCC 是在荷蘭阿姆斯特丹立案的組織,若未來歐美國家決定對俄羅斯做出制裁時,這些國際組織是否應依當地法律採取對應的制裁行動。若再進一步探討封鎖俄國網路資源取得或使用權的制裁手段,是否真的能夠達到初始烏克蘭政府所提出的遏止不實訊息散佈或減少網路攻擊目的?此類禁令是否應當納入制裁選項?倘若實施又可能對全球網際網路造成什麼影響?未來網路空間規範 (norm)有沒有可能因此改變?



時間:2022年4月22日 , 14:00-16:00


14:00–14:05     活動介紹

14:05–15:45     焦點座談

主持人:吳國維 理事長(台灣網路治理論壇)


  • 吳宗翰 博士(國防安全研究院)
  • 沈信雄 簡任技正(國家通訊傳播委員會)
  • 曾更瑩 合夥人 ( 理律法律事務所)
  • 黃勝雄 董事暨執行長(台灣網路資訊中心)

15:45–16:00        現場問答


Internet Governance After Ukraine-Russia Conflict

One week after Russian invasion of Ukraine, Ukraine government representative sent a letter to ICANN president and CEO asking to address an urgent need to introduce strict sanctions against the Russian Federation in the field of DNS regulation. The requests include revoking the domains of “.ru”, “.рф” and “.su”, revoking for SSL certificates for the abovementioned domains as well as shutting down DNS root servers situated in the Russian.  The representative also requested RIPE NCC to withdraw the right to use all IPv4 and IPv6 addresses by all Russian members, and to block the DNS root servers that it is operating.

RIPE NCC and ICANN have both rejected Ukraine’s requests.  The Executive Board of the RIPE NCC believes that the means to communicate should not be affected by domestic political disputes, international conflicts or war.  ICANN CEO further indicated the organizations’ support to Ukrainian. These developments have prompted urgent discussions on the existing critical Internet resources global governance principles and appropriate internet sanction possibilities.

Some may doubts if ICANN or RIPE NCC, which are legally binding by California (US) and Amsterdam (Netherland) laws, will have to follow their respective authorities’ command to implement sanctions. Some are arguing that, blocking Russia from accessing Internet may not be helpful for achieving Ukraine’s goal to mitigate the harms of false information spreading and cyber-attacks. What will be the consequences if Internet governance institutions heeded the sanction request?

The panel invite experts with rich internet policy making experiences to talk about how the Internet governance institutions respond to the Ukraine-Russia conflict, explore the possible changes of global Internet governance principles, and identify key factors Internet community in Taiwan may pay attention in the future.

Time: 2022/4/22 02:00-04:00PM

Venue: IEAT International Conference Center Meeting 8F Room 2 (No. 350, Songjiang Road, Zhongshan District, Taipei City)

Moderator: Kuo Wei Wu, Chair of TWIG

Tsung Han Wu, Assistant Research Fellow, Institute for National Defense and Security Research Xin-Xiong,Shen, Senior Technical Specialist, National Communications Commission Ken-Ying Tseng, Partner, LEE AND LI, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Kenny Huang, CEO of TWNIC