

今年5月,包括奧斯卡獲獎導演及諸多好萊塢影視編劇們,集結在Netflix工作室外頭舉牌抗議,大力反對 AI 生成劇本;於此同時,在華語界AI孫燕姿早已在網路影音平台爆紅,翻唱了數首百萬點閱率的歌曲。AI掀起對未來工作的改變,絕不只是在影視領域而已。

美國人工智慧權威 Ben Goertzel 在一場訪談中提到,AI 可能在未來幾年內取代 80% 的人類工作;他也提醒,「未來」就是數年後,而非數十年。另一個聳動預測則來自於高盛:如 ChatGPT 這類的流行 AI 工具背後技術,未來將自動化相當於 3 億個全職工作。而OpenAI和賓州大學的研究人員也預估,八成的美國勞工有機會看到至少 10% 的任務受影響,此處的受影響可能是變得更好或變得更糟,甚至失業。




時間:2023年08月23日(三) , 14:00-16:00



14:00-14:05  活動介紹
14:05-15:45  焦點座談

  • 主持人-梁理旋 副執行長(NII產業發展協進會)
  • 與談人-
    • 孫弘岳 教授 (國立臺灣師範大學科技應用與人力資源發展系)-線上出席
    • 馬靜如 主持律師(國際通商法律事務所)
    • 薛承泰 退休教授(台灣大學社會學系 / 前行政院政務委員) -線上出席
    • 魏聰哲 副研究員/客座研究員(中華經濟研究院第三所、日本立命館大學國際地域研究所))-線上出席

15:45-16:00  現場問答

How A.I. Will Change the Future Work?


This May, Oscar-film directors and many Hollywood writers, gathered outside Netflix studios to protest vehemently against AI-generated scripts. Meanwhile, AI version of singer Sun Yanzi (Stefanie Sun) has gained popularity for her covers of several songs with millions of views on online video platforms. The impact of AI is not limited to the entertainment industry; it is changing the future of work in various fields.

Ben Goertzel, a leading expert in artificial intelligence, mentioned in an interview that AI might replace 80% of human jobs in the coming years. He also warned that this future is not decades away but just a few years ahead. Another striking prediction came from Goldman Sachs: popular AI tools like ChatGPT could automate the equivalent of 300 million full-time jobs in the future. Researchers from OpenAI and the University of Pennsylvania also estimated that 80% of American workers could see at least 10% of their tasks affected, which might lead to improvements, worsening of conditions, or even job loss.

Based on speculations from masters and experts, AI seems likely to disrupt the labor market, as automation systems have the potential to replace or deprive some people of their job opportunities. However, some argue that AI could play a beneficial role in fields like nursing, eldercare, and household chores, where human interest is relatively low. Additionally, AI might create new job opportunities.

How AI will alter the value of human expertise and the labor market is uncertain. How do we confront the impact of AI on labor fairness? Is it possible to leverage AI to promote inclusivity in the workplace? There may be no definitive answers to all these questions for now, but the design, regulation, and use of AI are likely to have significant relevance. These are the themes that this event aims to explore.

Time & Venue

Time: 2023/08/23   02:00-04:00PM

Venue: IEAT International Conference Center Meeting 11F Room 1 (No. 350, Songjiang Road, Zhongshan District, Taipei City)


14:00-14:05  Introduce
14:05-15:45  Panel Discussion

  • Moderator:
    Li-Hsuan Liang, Deputy CEO (NIIEPA)
  • Panelists:
    –Hung-Yue Suen, Associate Professor (Department of Technology Application and Human Resource Development, National Taiwan Normal University, ) -online
    – Seraphim Ma, Managing Partner  (Baker McKenzie Taipei)
    – Cherng-Tay Hsueh, Retired Professor (Social Policy Research Center, National Taiwan  University) -online
    –Tsung-Che Wei, Associate Research Fellow (Introduction of The Third Research Division, Chung-Hua Institution for Economic Research) -online

15:45-16:00  Q&A