





時間:2023年10月18日(三) , 14:00-16:00



14:00-14:05  活動介紹
14:05-15:45  焦點座談

  • 主持人:劉慧雯教授  (政治大學新聞系)
  • 與談人:
    – 王乙帆 同學(行政院兒童及少年福利與權益推動小組委員、臺中市高級中等教育階段非學校型態實驗教育學生)–線上
    – 劉昱均 執行秘書(iWIN 網路內容防護機構)
    – 戴志和 分隊長(臺北市政府警察局 婦幼警察隊)

15:45-16:00  現場問答

Exploring Future-Generation Internet Privacy Governance Frameworks


Many children are exposed to the digital world even before birth, starting with ultrasound photos, babbling videos, photos from their preschool life, travel tickets, elementary school class blog posts with text and images, junior high school graduation trip group photos, and captivating video clips of high school club performances. As children grow, these texts, images, and videos, along with their names, school uniforms, and life experiences, are recorded and uploaded to various social media platforms or video-sharing platforms. During their educational journey, children use email accounts and free online teaching services provided by commercial companies on campus. In their teenage years, to discuss current trends with peers, they provide personal information to register for various short-lived online services, with their focus on a plethora of short video content.

A significant amount of personal data belonging to children and teenagers is constantly being collected in the digital world. This includes not only data shared by parents but also personal information actively provided by children themselves, as well as various digital footprints left behind while browsing these online services. The most significant difference in internet data protection between children and adults is that they often lack a full understanding of the potential risks, consequences, or protective measures associated with sharing personal data. Additionally, due to their age or other limitations, they may not have the opportunity or means to express their thoughts and opinions.

This seminar aims to explore the issue of power imbalance between data collectors and children when they use various online services. It also seeks to address how to handle children’s personal data through mechanisms such as transparency and examine the current policies and implications of internet service providers regarding children’s personal information. Furthermore, the seminar will attempt to prioritize children’s interests in establishing a data governance or privacy framework that centers on children’s well-being.

Time & Venue

Time: 2023/10/18   02:00-04:00PM

Venue: IEAT International Conference Center Meeting 11F Room 1 (No. 350, Songjiang Road, Zhongshan District, Taipei City)


14:00-14:05  Introduce
14:05-15:45  Panel Discussion

  • Moderator
    – Liu Hui-Wen, Professor, Department of Journalism, National Chengchi University
  • Panelists:
    – Wang Yi-Fan, Member of the Executive Yuan’s Task Force on Child Welfare and Rights Promotion、Student of Taichung Municipal Chung Gang Senior High School
    – Liu Yu-Jun, Executive Secretary, Institute of Watch Internet Network
    – Dai Zhi-He, Sub-Lieutenant, Taipei City Police Department, Women and Children’s Protection Division

15:45-16:00  Q&A