


歐盟執委會在今年6月下旬也以「數位時代的民主」(Democracy in the Digital Age)為題發布報告認為,數位時代對民主造成威脅的風險與挑戰包括了演算法與社群媒體成為數位空間中操控意見與公共辯述強大工具;對科技公司的日益仰賴限制了民主控制的空間;以及社會技術發展往往是由少數人追求利益,而非由社會對共同利益的追求所驅動。




時間:2023年11月21日(二) , 14:00-16:00



14:00-14:05  活動介紹
14:05-15:45  焦點座談

  • 主持人:王鼎棫  主編(法律白話文運動網站)
  • 與談人:
    – 周宇修  律師 (台灣人權促進會 執行委員(兼任財務長)、謙眾國際法律事務所 律師 )
    – 劉嘉薇 教授(國立臺北大學公共行政暨政策學系)–線上出席
    – 羅棋駿 營運長(皮爾森數據)

15:45-16:00  現場問答

Democracy in the Digital Age: Threats and Solutions


Digital technologies and social media have changed the way politics and democracy operate. For example, social platforms have increased opportunities for public policy debates, but the proliferation of fake news has also influenced the direction of public discourse and even affected the outcomes of discussions. Therefore, it is necessary to reconsider the essence and content of democracy in this digital age to ensure its effectiveness and stability.

In late June of this year, the European Commission released a report on “Democracy in the Digital Age.” The report identified risks and challenges posed by the digital age to democracy, including algorithms and social media becoming powerful tools for manipulating opinions and public discourse in digital spaces, the increasing reliance on technology companies limiting the scope of democratic control, and the fact that technological advancements are often driven by a few individuals pursuing personal interests rather than the common good.

In response to these challenges, the European Commission proposed several recommendations, such as strengthening support for public participation, civic education, and critical digital literacy. They suggest that government regulation of technology should prioritize the public interest, and support should be extended to civil society organizations and media professionals, even in the realm of diplomacy.

This seminar invites representatives from various stakeholders to delve into the challenges facing democracy in Taiwan in the digital age and seek innovative solutions to ensure that democratic values continue to be realized in the present and the future.

Time & Venue

Time: 2023/11/21   02:00-04:00PM

Venue: IEAT International Conference Center Meeting 11F Room 1 (No. 350, Songjiang Road, Zhongshan District, Taipei City)


14:00-14:05  Introduce
14:05-15:45  Panel Discussion

  • Moderator
    – Wang Ting-Yu, Editor-in-Chief of Plain Law Movement
  • Panelists:
    – Chou Yu-Siou, Executive Committee Member of the Taiwan Association for Human Rights, Lawyer at CHEN & CHOU Law Firm.
    – Liu Jia-Wei, Professor of the Department of Public Administration and Policy at National Taipei University.–online
    – Lo Chi-chun, Chief Operating Officer at Pearson Data.

15:45-16:00  Q&A